Starting the Tackle Shop Part 2 – Full Speed Ahead

Part 2 – Full Speed Ahead

Follow along in this entry titled “Starting the Tackle Shop Part 2 – Full Speed Ahead”.

Dream Becomes a Necessity

starting a tackle shop part 2 - full speed ahead featured image of a guy at a desk looking over booksEverything was going so smooth in life that it became mundane and I found myself dreading Mondays even though I achieved my goal as an IT Professional and working in the Security field, in the back of my mind I found myself asking the age old question “is this it?”  “Am I destined to sit through meetings the rest of my days?”

Then it happened one morning.  It was like any other day.  Packed with meetings, but my boss scheduled a one on one with me, which was out of the ordinary.

Then the hammer came down.  “I have HR on the line with us.” he said.

My nxiety peaked knowing what was coming next.  “We are down sizing the department, and unfortunately we are going to have to lay you off.”

It was a day that the more I thought about it, the more of a blessing I realized it was.

“Now is the time to chase the dream” I told myself after hanging up.

Let’s do this!

So Where to Begin?

With determination and a new found sense of purpose, I consulted the great Oracle.  Ok, I Googled away for hours on end doing research.

$31 Billion industry with future projected growth, check.  Highest margin items, check.  Budget to start, yup read that.  Tackle suppliers, click bait.  Wait, what?  Drop ship, earn money selling online, pay us to update your website.  On and on, but no clue as to where to go to actually purchase the products I needed to stock.

“I will come back to that one.”  I thought to myself.  First I need to get my resale license, form an LLC, find a location.  Then when I am ready, it should all fall into place.

So, let’s get going on the forms…

This is Easy!

I was a man possesed, bookmarking forms, navigating through .gov sites, going to City Hall.  It was all coming together fast!

Before I knew it, my FBN had been filed, my resale certificate was approved, I had formed my very own LLC.

Have to have a bank account, so I opened one for Bass Hounds LLC.  I have to be able to accept credit cards, so I decided to go with Square.

Next up, location…

Too Good to be True?

Found a place that was perfect to call home.  It was inexpensive and just needed some TLC which I was looking forward to doing.  Had more than adequate parking as it was 2 lots and used to be a hair salon so it must be zoned for commercial.

After walking around the property and peering into the windows I had decided that this would be the future location.

That night I fired up Photoshop and put the logo on the front of the building, added new paint to match the design scheme of Bass Hounds and it was everything I envisioned in my head staring back at me.

The next morning I got in touch with my realtor and told her that I was interested in it and that it would make for an awesome tackle shop.

She in turn called the offering agent, and then called me back to give me the bad news.  It was not grandfathered in as being zoned commercially and it reverted back to R2.  Meaning it would now have to be remodeled to a multi family dwelling like a duplex.

After shaking off the news, and much to my dismay realizing there were no more locations in the area I came up with a plan.

I will go mobile!


Join me on the next installment of Starting the Tackle Shop – an Epic Journey, where I purchase the trailer and start reaching out to suppliers.

Until then..  Tight Lines!


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